Hammelburg 2016

“I look forward to an exciting, eventful year 2016 with highlights of many, many, many opportunities for beautiful, valuable encounters and plenty of opportunities to celebrate.”

The oldest Franconian wine city is first recorded in 18 April 716, when the fortress of Hamulo Castellum was documented as a ducal possession above a ford of strategic importance on the Franconian Saale. Martinskirche was the responsibility of the Bishop of Wurzburg. Charlemagne gave vineyards at Hammelburg to the Abbey of Fulda in 777. Bishops of Fulda ruled the town until municipal rights were granted in 1303, when Marienkirche was built near the cattle market.

Hammelburg changed very early to the Lutheran teachings. Only by menace did 120 Lutheran families leave their hometown in 1604.

Hammelburg surrounded by walls with three gate towers and eleven military towers.
Hammelburg surrounded by walls with three gate towers and eleven military towers.

Ich freue mich auf ein spannendes, ereignisreiches Jahr 2016 mit vielen, vielen Höhepunkten, zahlreichen Gelegenheiten für schöne, wertvolle Begegnungen und jede Menge Möglichkeiten, mitzufeiern.

Celebrate the jubilee festival for “1300 years Hammelburg” with events, concerts, exhibitions and other creative activities.