The Froebel Trust

Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852), the great German educator, is famous pre-eminently for his radical insight that the first learning experiences of the very young are of crucial importance in influencing not only their later educational achievements but also the health and development of society as a whole. He devised a set of principles and practices which would form part of an interactive educational process to take place in institutions which in 1840 he named ‘kindergarten’.

Continue reading “The Froebel Trust” | Friedrich Froebel (Fröbel)

The purpose of education is to encourage and guide man as a conscious, thinking and perceiving being in such a way that he becomes a pure and perfect representation of that divine inner law through his own personal choice; education must show him the ways and meanings of attaining that goal. (Friedrich Froebel 1826 Die Nenschenerziehung, pp. 2).

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Hairy Maclary

With cumulative rhymes and sunny ink and watercolor illustrations, this international favorite chronicles the escapades of our hero Hairy and his crew of five kooky canines. In this introductory book in the HAIRY MACLARY series, all the pooches-from big-as-a-horse Hercules Morse to Schnitzel von Krumm with the very low tum-meet their feline match

Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard, Former Prime Minister of Australia, Joins Brookings.

The Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution is one of the leading policy centers focused on universal quality education in the developing world. The Center develops and disseminates effective solutions to achieve equitable learning, whereby all children and youth are able to access a quality education that supports their lifelong learning and development. The Center plays a critical role in influencing the development of new international education policies and in transforming them into actionable strategies for governments, civil society and private enterprise.

Center for Universal Education | Brookings Institution.

Julia Gillard, Former Prime Minister of Australia, Joins Brookings Institution

“I am honored and delighted to accept the invitation to become affiliated with global education programs at the Center for Universal Education at Brookings,” said Gillard. “I very much look forward to making a contribution to the effectiveness and reach of these important initiatives, and advancing the policy objectives and outcomes we share.”


Julia Gillard, Former Prime Minister of Australia, Joins Brookings | Brookings Institution.